Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Exams next week!

Joined this program in late march and here come the exams, just a blink of an eye and it almost two months since the first day i enrolled, time flies seriously, i've been loitering around alot and have not really got the chance to sit down and look at my notes or slides on blackboard 7(taylors portal) exams like next week and im still out every night with friends, sigh really gotta start studying before i sit for the exams, sometimes i hate myself for being sucha last minute person, i still remember when spm was around the corner, i only started studying in september, where else everybody was like just revising and flipping through their reference books, i really regret for not starting early that time, if i started early i could have got a A for my b.m, well there's no point talking about the past, might as well just learn from it and continue on right? that means im not going for the pitbull event this weekend and im hitting the books at the library to prepare myself for the midterms, I really hope i'll find a efficient and effectice way to start studying for mid term, im real looking forward to the holidays after midterms, plenty of plans in mind *evil laughs

Im actually kinda stuck with the format and stuff, dont even have a clue of what's going to come out, i usually get very anxious and worried before an exam, its like i have some big mountain to climb and my brain just shuts down and i'll probably end up going online to chat with friends, im worried that i'll write down my answers wrongly on the answer sheet and when the results doesnt come out as expected. So far mr. winston had already gave us some heads up about what's going to be questioned and told us what to study about already, but of course i would prefer like a trial question or some sort of questions that would relate to what's coming out so that i'll get better understanding and maybe figure out what will the lecturer come up with. As for css and mass comm the lecturers had already told us what is going to come out and we only need to study certain chapters, for i.t if im not mistaken ms.sureka said that we only need to do a microsoft word document during the test.

I must do well in this test as mr.winston said this is easier than the final exam, if i do bad in the final at least i still have enough marks to cover for my entire marks,alot of my other course mates seem to be ready and geared up for this mid term, well i might as well buck up and make sure i dont get left behind, i've persuaded my parents and promised them i'll score and do well in this, failure is not included in my planner and i hope that at the end of the day i'll be satisfied with what i did and look back with a smile on my face, and not looking back and regret after my unwanted actions. Time to hit the slides now people, i'll update about the progress in my next post k? take care ya'll!